Hey folks!
So if you obviously noticed my lack of content, it's not that I went lazy! I actually wanted to do a lot of Halloween posts, adding a Bad Luck Wes short, and wanting to be in collabs, but three issues arised.
1. I got a puppy! A white German, a cute one at that. I believe it's only 12 weeks old. However, being so young, she takes up waaaaaay to much time.
2. I tried swapping pc parts out of my pc but now my pc just won't work. I tried a bunch of tricks but it just won't work. So I'll be taking it in soon to check it out.
3. Last, but a big one. I had surgery! I've honestly been expecting it but man, happened too fast, happened to painful. I've been too tired to reach out to people because of it. My surgery was a success, not a ghost wearing a mask yet lol. All the reasons why is posted on my Twitter.
I am alive! I just didn't have the time and everything was breaking down. I wanted to blog this to tell you of my current situation.
Glad to see that you’re doing fine and don’t worry,take all the time you need!